
Welcome to the advocate's close

It all started in an old Victorian pump house hidden away in edinburgh...

Hi, we're Tyler and April Roberts. Shortly after co-founding our legal marketing agency, NOMOS Marketing, we booked a two-week trip to the United Kingdom. We decided early on to visit sites of legal historical significance to find inspiration for our clients back home.

It seemed everywhere we turned, we learned about the lawyers and advocates that shaped the common law system we know today. Old Bailey in London. Green Street Courthouse in Dublin. Then, there was Advocate's Close - a narrow alleyway located on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh.

It was here where we found stories dating centuries back of influential legal figures that shaped the Scottish court system. Over a few glasses of whiskey at the Devil's Advocate, we determined to share the stories of legal influencers back in the states.

The Advocate's Close is a blog dedicated to sharing the stories of lawyers practicing at the top of their license. Our hope is to highlight the best of the profession and inspire other attorneys to raise the bar.

Wanna get in touch?

Vim et dolore eligendi voluptua, qui id unum quas omittantur, at sed justo tation eligendi. Assum accommodare an mei. Sonet propriae partiendo ad vix, ex vis epicuri constituto incorrupte.

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